Modern Traditions Realty Group, RE/MAX Center

Ascot in Suwanee; More American Households with Pets than Children?; Plants You Shouldn't Prune

Posted By: Cleve Gaddis In: Gaddis Real Estate Radio
Date: Fri, Mar 31st 2023 2:27 pm

-This is a transcript from Go Gaddis Radio to listen to the episode click here-> 

Welcome back to Go Gaddis Real Estate Radio right here on AM nine 20. The answer in this segment at our neighborhood Spotlight, we are featuring Ascot and Suwanee. Would you believe that there are more American households with pets than American households with children? I wouldn't believe that and.

What's a list of plants you should never prune in spring? You're listening to Go Gaddis Real Estate Radio. And don't forget, we want to connect with you. It's easy to do that. Go to go gaddi, G O G A D D I S You can ask questions, you can make comments, you can push back or challenge anything we say.

You can share your ideas with us. You can. Request your neighborhood be featured in our neighborhood spotlight, and you can subscribe to our podcast. We would love you to be a podcast subscriber in this week's addition. For those of you who listen every week, you know that we typically pick one specific metro Atlanta neighborhood to call out critical changes to help you know as an owner of a home in that particular neighborhood, whether or not you have a particular advantage.

We are featuring Ascot, which is in Swanee, which is in Gwinnett County from 2 85. Take Peachtree Industrial. North to Swanee Dam Road and go left. Then you turn left onto Moore Road. This is such a beautiful corridor. If you've never ever seen this, that Moore Road corridor is just beautiful and you have such nice neighborhoods there.

Subdivision will be on your right. Let's take a look at the statistics for the neighborhood. This is gonna be over the last few years. I'm, uh, uploading it here, opening it here on my laptop. I am, by the way, paper friendly. I used to use paper printouts when I would do these radio shows, and I have not used those in four or five or six shows, and I am making it work and I am saving trees.

I'm being an environmentally friendly. Again, this is Ascot, which is Swanee in Gwinnett County over the last three years in 2020. They were a total of seven homes. Now there's 182 plus or minus homes in the neighborhood, which means we would expect closer to 12 or 14 sales to take place each year in the neighborhood.

In 2020, there were seven homes sold. It took 15 days from the time they were listed to the time they went under contract, and the average sales price was 421,500. That range from below of 350,000, up to a high of 500,000. And home sold for 1% less than they were listed for, so they sold for a 1% discount in 2021.

There were five home sold, two less than the year before. The days on the market went to five from 15. 15 is short, five is really short. Average sales price bumped up $140,000 to $567,000 a year over year. That ranged from a low of 4 85 to a high of 710,000 in home, sold for 3.1%. Than they were listed for the prior year, 1% less, 20, 23% more in 20 22, 10 homes sold Again.

We would expect there to be more like 12 or 14 sold in the neighborhood, or 12 or 13 sold in the neighborhood. They took an average of 20 days from the time they went on the market to the time they went under contract. The average sales price, $651,000, which is an $80,000 increase over the prior year.

Prices went up 140,000 from 2020 to 2021, another 80,000 from 2021 to 2022. Those prices range from a low of 490,000 up to a high of 750,000 in home, sold for 0.9% more than their list price. There's currently one home available for sale in the neighborhood. It had listed at $600,000 on the nose based on sales patterns over the prior year, and the fact that there were 10 homes.

In the past 365 days in that neighborhood, it should take 1.2 months to sell that one home in the neighborhood. The way we determine that is if we, it is a seller's market, by the way, but we take the number of homes sold in the last 365 days divided by 12, see how much inventory we have available and see how many months it should take to sell that.

I. If you have less than four months worth of inventory, it is a seller's market. So Ascot is still a screaming seller's market at 1.2 months worth of inventory. If you have four to five months worth of inventory. It's a balanced market. If you have more than five months worth of inventory, it is a buyer's market.

The total equity in the neighborhood from 2010 to 2020 2, 10, 12 years. Prices went from an average of 222,000 in the neighborhood up to a high of 651,000, which means homeowner equity in that neighborhood has increased 62.3 million in a 12 year period. The elementary school is Level Creek. The middle school is North Gwinnett, and the high school is North Gwinnett High School.

North Gwinnett High School gets a School Chimp score of. Hundred. It is a good, good school. If you wanna, if you're the type of parent who doesn't want a monkey around with your kid's education or the school's effect on home values, get a School Chimp report. It's easy. Go to go ga us, click on school chimp, put in a little information and it will send the report directly.

To you. Also, the place you need to be searching for homes for sale in metro Atlanta is really only one location and you need to search sure, S U R E M If you are not finding what you're looking for, searching on other sites or Zillow or or something like that, give sure A try.

S U R E M L pulls listings from both listing services and you might just. That, um, because we pull 'em from both listing services, we have more properties in there for you to look at. Let's actually jump into some statistics. More households in the United States today have pets than have children.

The share of families with children living in homes that are under 18 has continued to decline in the us. It's really interesting. I look at our growth in our population and I keep thinking that, you know, if we add a million immigrants every year, but our population only grow in 1,000,007 or 1,000,008 or less than 2 million a year.

Now we're not really having babies faster than people are, are dying out. And I'm sure there are economists out there who are experts in all of this, but it seems to me like our population would be growing. Faster than it is anyway. The share with children in 2022, Stan stood at 40% down from 48% in 2002 to reasons.

Birth rates overall have been declining and then there is a large share of baby baby boomers, uh, whose children's may have less than left the nest already the past 20 years. Pet ownership has steadily rise. I don't know if you had to guess what percentage of the households in the United States have a pet, but this number is way higher than I would have thought it was.

70% of American households own a pet up from 56% in 1988. Throughout Covid 19, Americans adopted pets for companionship and for entertainment. I sure get it. Uh, as I went through my change in life and got a divorce over the last few years, I have three dogs at home. Unfortunately, I only have two now. Uh, one of 'em, the, the old grandma unfortunately, uh, is not with us anymore, but those dogs were amazing companionship for me and it was amazing.

And like I had other people living in the house. And that Americans are investing a significant amount of time and financial resources toward their animals. It is so interesting. Uh, in TW 2000 3, 13, 13 0.2% of Americans spent time with their pets every day in 2021, it was 19.7% and 22.8% of women spend time with their pets on a daily basis.

Listen to this. Pet industry expenditures have grown from 53.3 billion in 2012 to 123.6 billion in 2021. It's no surprise that some home buyers actually consider their pets the most important factor when making a home buying decision. Among, among all unmarried couples, nearly one third of buyers considered their pet.

When deciding their neighborhood, the neighborhood they should purchase in 14% of married couples decided the same. One quarter of single women considered. Or factored in their pet in terms of making a decision as to where they wanted to buy as well. There is no doubt that pets rule the world. 70% of households with pets, 40% with children in the household.

That is amazing. Statistic for me is A is spring fever comes upon us and I am catching spring fever so bad. For those of you who've listened to the show for years and years, you know I am a yard fanatic, my yard. Perfect. Uh, but I spent a lot of time and effort and money on that yard, and I get a tremendous amount of satisfaction.

My mother said one time that she spent a lot of money and time in her yard because it was cheaper than getting therapy, and I she meant from a psychologist or a psychiatrist. And the reality is, the more stressed out I get, the more likely you are to see me out, uh, in my yard working on something. I've got a cool little garden shed out there, and it's a big Bermuda yard with a lot.

Natural area in different plants here and there. And, um, I have some of the ones in my yard that you are not supposed to prune early. So spring fever makes us want to spring cone in our homes and, and, and our gardens as well. And I want to encourage you not to be too eager to pick up the shearers and pruners on some flowering plants.

Um, there is a list. Flowers that you should not prune. The first one on the list is lilacs. You prune lilacs instead immediately after the blooms finish, cuz buds for the next year's flowers form right after the flowers fade. So don't wait too long. Number two for Cynthia. I don't have any forsythia in my yard.

Forsythia is so beautiful. It goes from these just little innocuous sticks to this explosion of yellow color. And so forsythia, you do not prune in the spring. Brilliant yellow blooms explode on forsythias in the spring, but you need to hold off on pruning these shrubs very early in the season because, Those forsythia buds form on the old wood.

Wait until the flowers open and fade before you start cutting. Next one is azaleas. I never even thought anybody would consider pruning azaleas. I have. I grew up in Atlanta and azaleas were everywhere. And you know, you don't prune 'em, you pune 'em in the fall or the wintertime if they need to be pruned at all.

But it says, don't take the cutters to azaleas. And very early in, very early spring, wait until immediately after the bloom. Finished to cut. Seems like I might have been, uh, doing it at the wrong time. I love, I have a few sets, a few, uh, Encore Reas that actually bloom twice during the year and that's so cool.

An oak leaf hydria. I do have an oak leaf hydria in my yard. And they set buds on the previous year's wood, so don't prune them in very early spring. If you do cut them back, wait until just after the blooms finished. It is so funny. Oak leaf hydrangeas are so ugly during the fall and the winter, but they are so beautiful.

Once they just pop out and they've got those big old oak looking leaves, they're really amazing and I just love hydrangeas. In fact, Tammy. Slay. Many of you listen to Tammy Slay on this show every once in a while and her favorite flower. She's my girlfriend and her favorite flower on earth is a hydrangea.

And she likes them any color. She likes em red. She likes some blue. She likes some white. Another plant you should not prune is honeysuckle. Honey. Suckles are fast growing vines or shrubs, uh, with a honey sweet fragrance to keep them healthy and vigorous. Remove dead disease and damaged vs at the stems at any time.

But don't prude. And then climatics. Check the label when you purchas. Whenever you purchase it to know when yours blooms. If your climatics blooms in early spring, prune it to shape it just after the flowers fade. We appreciate you joining us for another week's edition of Go Gattis Real Estate Radio.

We'll be back next Saturday at 9:00 AM We look forward to talking to you then Atlanta. Have a great week.