Modern Traditions Realty Group, RE/MAX Center

Metro Atlanta Real Estate Update, Charcuterie Chick; What to Know about Carbon Monoxide

Posted By: Cleve Gaddis In: Gaddis Real Estate Radio
Date: Fri, Feb 17th 2023 11:21 am

-This is a transcript from Go Gaddis Radio to listen to the episode click here->

 Welcome to another week's edition of Go Gaddis Real Estate Radio, right here on AM nine 20. The answer in this first segment of the show, we've got your Metro Atlanta residential real estate update for the last seven days. What in the heck is happening? In the metro Atlanta real estate market in our, something you should know about Metro Atlanta.

We've got an Atlanta-based business that I've never even heard of before. It's called the Charcuterie Trip chick, the charcuterie chick, and they're expanding in Sandy Springs. I love charcuterie and carbon monoxide. What do you need to know about carbon monoxide? My name is Cleve Gaddis and I am the host of this show.

I'm also a full-time real estate broker with a team full of agents. Helping buyers and sellers and investors and landlords make the best decisions whenever possible when buying, selling, or investing in real estate anywhere in Metro Atlanta. The goal of this show is to help listeners go from real estate, novice to experts, so home selling and buying can be done with total confidence.

and without all the worry that's typical with life's biggest investments. We don't want you to learn anything at closing or after that you should have learned before. In the second segment of the show, we've got a guest from America's Preferred Home Warranty Company, and we're gonna talk about some of the exposure, some of the potential liability for real estate professionals who did not, at least during the pandemic fueled crazy market, who did not inform.

Home buyers and home sellers of everything they needed to know before they made decisions. And so people are learning things after closing. They wish they should have learned, they wish they would have learned before closing. And that causes all kinds of problems in real estate transactions. For those of you who listen every single week, you may or may not have known, but my oldest.

And my son-in-law were expecting a baby who was supposed to be here on February the 24th. Well, that little boy decided he was gonna arrive 20 days early. So on February the fourth of 2023, I became a grandfather of my little baby boy Jesse. And I am absolutely in love. Those of you who are listening who are grandparents, know exactly what I'm talking about the first time.

That baby was put in my arms. I could not believe that my baby had had a baby. Now, unfortunately, for my neighbors, now that I'm a grandfather, I asked them to please salute me as I come in and out of the neighborhood. Nobody wants to cooperate. Although I did have one neighbor who said they were happy to give me the New York salute.

I don't think that meant something very positive and I did not want to see that what, what that was. But I'm a grandfather and I love it. Love it, love it. Remember, If you want to connect with us, we always want to connect with you and when you go to go gaddis don't you worry. I will see what it is that you post.

I will see it myself, and I would love nothing more than to help you However you need to be helped go to go gadi That's G G A D D I S You can ask questions, you can make comments, you can push back, you can share your ideas. You can request. Neighborhood be featured in our neighborhood Spotlight, and you can subscribe to our podcast.

We would love for you to be a podcast subscriber. Without further ado, let's take a look at the Metro Atlanta Residential real Estate update for the last seven days. One of the questions I get quite often is, why do you give an update every seven days? Almost seems like a waste of time. Well, in many cases, the national news is two or three months behind where it needs to be.

And so when something starts to happen, whether it's good or bad, when something starts to happen in the real estate business, if we wait on our local news outlets to give us the facts, number one, if we wait on 'em to give us the facts, we might ma wait forever because in many cases we don't get the facts from our local news.

But the reality is, is that changes in real estate happen very quickly, and I know that sounds strange, but you can tell in real estate when something starts to happen, you can see it in a week or two, you can see the market starting to trend differently. And so we want to make sure that you are fully educated and in the know about the real estate market in metro Atlanta.

That's why we do an update every seven days in the last seven days, 1,700 and. Homes were listed on the first multiple listing service, 1,571. So let's just say a hundred and thirty five, a hundred thirty seven less homes went under contract. So inventory still continuing to grow just a little bit. 1,261 homes closed for the week.

That's a good, strong number. We will see that number. Get up to the 2300, 2400, 2500 a week once we get to into the summer selling season. In between, in between school years. And there were 1,149 homes that had a price decrease. Now, I want you to think about that. If you're a home buyer, a potential home buyer in metro Atlanta, there were 1,149 home sellers who raised their hand saying, Hey, I might be a little bit more motivated to sell my home now than I was this time last week.

And if you are a home buyer, And your agent is not showing you specifically homes that have had a price decrease. My suggestion is that you absolutely positively wanna make sure you're working with somebody who will do that for you. So plenty of opportunity for sellers. Best time to list, in my opinion, is between now and say mid-April.

Uh, certainly find the list in May and June. The problem is, is that school season, uh, the summer season in between school sessions is really fast, two and a half months, and, uh, you really want to get out ahead of that if you're planning to sell your home and be in a new home before the next school season.

In our, here's something you should know about Metro Atlanta segment. We've got the Atlanta-based charcuterie chick. I love a good charcuterie board. I wish I was better at it. My third daughter, Stacy, is an amazing charcuterie board preparer, and I know that she is not the only one. There's probably plenty of people listening today who love charcuterie boards, and I say, who doesn't love a charcuterie board?

Have you? Uh, put one together for a party. I do it quite often. Sh charcuterie Chick whizz, which is an Atlanta based concept that both sells its signature boards locally and hosts workshops nationwide. I would love to do one of those workshops is gearing up to open a Sandy Springs outpost in the next couple of months at.

2 75 Carpenter Drive Northeast. According to the charcuterie chick herself, Alex Clavin, the new space will be focused on providing a commercial kitchen for the company's growing team, as well as a grab and go concept with lunch items and its signature build aboard classes. As we enter our. Fourth year of business.

She says, we're excited to be opening our own space in Sandy Springs to continue to bring our customers a premium experience that is all about curating charcuterie boards that are accessible and aesthetically beautiful. I got a, uh, Christmas present from, uh, Tammy's daughter, my girlfriend's daughter, and it was.

A deck of cards about twice the size or maybe four times the size of a playing card. And it is literally, uh, pictures of charcuterie boards. And, uh, or after Christmas, you would have thought that I was, uh, a young boy looking at pictures that I should not be looking at every single night. I would. Get out those charcuterie cards and I would turn through them focusing on which charcuterie boards I was going to make sometime in the near future.

So if you want more information, just type in charcuterie chick, uh, in Google, and I think you'll find all the information you need for the char, the Charcuterie chicks new location. If you've just joined us, you're listening to Go Gadi Real Estate Radio right here on AM nine 20. The answer. With winters still here, many of us are using way more gas in our homes, whether it's for the furnace, for the water heater, or for example, in my home, the gas stove.

Does it scare you that carbon monoxide could be building up and you wouldn't even know it? It is really amazing. Uh, carbon monoxide is an odorless. Colorless gas produced by the combustion, by the burning of fuel, such as natural gas, oil, and propane in devices including furnaces, water heaters, and stove.

In my house. I have gas burning in all of those. These appliances are designed to vent the. Carbon monoxide to the outside, but incomplete combustion of the fuel. So if it doesn't burn completely, or improper installation or blockages or leaks or cracks in the vending system can cause co carbon monoxide to quickly reach harmful levels inside of the home.

And dangerously high levels of carbon monoxide can lead to incapacitation or death with victims, sometimes never even being aware that they. Poisoned. I have had carbon monoxide detectors in my. Ever since, um, I had my first child, which was 25 years ago, uh, it was something that's always worried me. I have carbon monoxide detectors as part of my alarm system in my home as well.

I am a little, uh, anal about, uh, carbon monoxide in the home, but here's a. How homeowners can take action against carbon monoxide poisoning in their home. Number one, do as I've done and install a carbon monoxide alarm. Either battery operated, hardwired, or plugged in, and then follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper location.

Always have one that is near the appliances, but most importantly, I have carbon monoxide detectors that are near all the bedrooms in my house. We have one bedroom in the basement, but I have, uh, four bedrooms upstairs, and so the carbon monoxide detectors are, Number one. Number two, learn what to do. If the carbon monoxide alarm activates, what do you do?

How do you handle it? Number three, never use a gas stove or an oven to heat the home. Oh my gosh. I have seen my parents do that in the past. Have all fuel burning appliances professionally inspected annually? That's a great idea. These appliances include gas stoves, ovens, furnaces, heaters, water. And gas closed dryers.

All devices should be properly installed, invented to the outside. Have your flues and chimneys for gas fireplaces inspected regularly. I was thinking to myself, I have a gas logs in my fireplace, which I would assume. Can produce carbon monoxide as well. Don't start a vehicle in a closed garage or idle the engine in the garage, even if the overhead door is open.

I've done that many times. Turn my car on, go back inside to get something and come back out. So I won't do that anymore. And charcoal grills must never be used indoors. A gas generator must be located at least 20 feet away from the home if you use it. So carbon monoxide is no joke, and we recommend that every.

Be very, very careful when it comes to carbon monoxide. This segment of the show is brought to you by John Birchfield and Capital City Home Loans. John makes it his mission to guide each home buyer step by step through the entire loan process so they are educated and can be confident in the mortgage options available.

He really wants you to make the best decisions along the way. He is my preferred mortgage provider, 6 78 2 2 6 7 8 8 7 6 7 8 2 2. 7 8 87. If you're looking to sell your home anytime in the next six months, we believe we can sell your home for $28,000 more than your neighbor. And I hope that you take me up on the challenge to prove to you how we can sell your home for $28,000 more than your neighbor sold their home for.

To find out more, it is easy. Go to go get us Click on sell for $28,000 more. Put in a little. And I will reach out to you myself, and I will help you understand how I think I can sell your home for $28,000 more than your neighbor sold their home for. We're gonna take a quick break. When we come back, we're gonna talk all things home warranties.

What's the difference in home warranty and homeowner's insurance? Should you have it? And is there some real significant potential liability for real estate agents who didn't recommend home warranties during the pro during. Uh, pandemic fueled real estate market. We've got those subjects and more. Stick with us.