Modern Traditions Realty Group, RE/MAX Center

Roofing Revelations with Expert Alex Newton

Posted By: Cleve Gaddis In: Gaddis Real Estate Radio
Date: Mon, Oct 16th 2023 12:34 pm

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Welcome back to GoGaddis Real Estate Radio, right here on AM 920 The Answer. In this segment of the show, let's talk all things roofs, roof leaks, roof repairs, roof replacements. We've got that and more during this segment. Also, we want to connect with you, and it is easy. Just go to gogaddisradio. com.

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Need to make sure a pot you need to make sure you're a podcast subscriber so that you don't miss any Segment, especially those things. You should know about Metro Atlanta segments We've got a roofing soon to be expert on with us We've got Alex Newton who's a territory manager with Frazier roofing or free.

Is it my saying that right Frazier roofing? Yeah, it's Frasier Roofing. Frasier Roofing. Yep. Yep. Frasier Roofing and I say soon to be expert because you're new to the roofing business. You are not new to giving good customer service, but you're new to the roofing business and you're learning a whole new world.

Is that correct? Yeah, and it's been awesome, you know getting to know the Frasier family over in Lilburn. That's their home office. Yep. It's been awesome and and really, you know differentiating the company from the rest of the industry. It's been great. I love that. Well, I will tell you, there is a lot of need for roof replacements in Metro Atlanta.

Let me ask you a basic understanding. Why is a roof installed the way it's installed? Old traditional three tab shingles. And I know you have architectural shingles, and we'll talk about the difference in those. But you know where you start at the bottom of the roof and you put on one set of tabs and then you put on another one on top of it, and on top of it, and on top of it.

Why does it work that way? Well, they install it that way. The manufacturer of the shingle actually manufactures the shingle to be installed that way. There's always guidelines on how our installers are putting on the shingles. Yep. And they just follow that by code. Um, the reason is it, it helps lock that roof, um, tight, right?

It's a system and it helps keep water out. It helps the shingles, you know, withstand wind and weather events and stuff like that. Interesting. And, and, and most people don't realize this, but you know, whether it's siding on the side of your home or it is, which side of your home is a great place for siding, um, or window sills or whatever it is.

Um, basically builders and people who construct homes, they are trying to use gravity to solve their problem. And so when you think about it, as you stack roof tabs, then what happens is the water off of one tab above just drops onto the next tab and to the next tab and to the next tab. And so you answered a question a few minutes ago that was even more specific and that is why do we install them that way?

Because it keeps them on the roof. Um, my question for you is this. If somebody is listening and they have a very flat roof, in other words, you have to have a certain amount of pitch in order for those shingled roofs to work, what do they do if their roof is too flat? Oh, see, if you got a flat roof, like maybe over screened in porch or something, you know, the built out beside the how.

B beside, uh, behind the house, maybe a relatively flat roof. And sorry, I interrupted you as you got started talking. No, it's fine. And that, I actually saw that today. There's a lot of, um, you know, additions to homes, porches, cover decks, things, things like that where you've got a low pitch. So what I'm looking for when I'm out on a roof, if the pitch is, is less than I would say free, I'm gonna start, uh, thinking about what's called rolled roofing.

Got it. And that is just a big roll of, um, shingle. It's the shingle material, but you roll it out flat. And the, the reason you use that on a flat surface is it, it locks that water out. Locks it out. If, if water sits on a, yeah, it locks it out. If water sits on a three tab at a, uh, a low pitch, there's a high chance that it's going to leak through.

And like you said, you want to use gravity and, and think like water really. Yup. And when you said a three pitch. Does that mean fall one foot over three feet? The roof falls one foot over three feet? I believe so. Okay, well it could be I'm getting too technical. To me it's fascinating because I know some of them, I've heard them say they're a five or a six or an eight pitch.

And I'm not even sure how that works, but I know in some areas in North Atlanta and other areas, You have some steep, steep roofs. I have to ask you this, um, you are, are probably new to, well, I don't know, you were in the pest control business before, so you might have gotten up on roofs before. Uh, how do you like getting up on roofs and crawling around up there?

Um, ever had any little close calls yet? Well, you know me, Cleve. You know I like rock climbing, so it's almost like I'm in my element out there. I actually did not tie those two things together. Yes, you are a rock climber. So you have no problem securing yourself with a rope and climbing up the roof and all that kind of stuff.

That's like your old playground. No problem. I had a zoom meeting today on a 13 pitch with Which was extremely steep. So I was up on the peak of the roof, you know, having my meeting via zoom. It was pretty great. Wow. I like that. Talk about the different type of, uh, different type of office. Now for many, many years, there were only three tab shingles, flat three tab shingles.

Now they offer a, an architectural shingle. And, um, talk to me about that. Uh, what's the difference in the two? Why did they come out with architectural shingles? What's the benefit? The benefit of architectural shingles is it, it has a tooth shingle and that gives more, uh, I would say sturdiness to the actual shingle itself.

Okay. A three tabs just going to lay flat and you're really just, you're relying on the, the adhesive that's on the bottom of the shingle to withstand high winds. Yes. When you break those shingles up and stack them on top of each other and give them a So that wind can kind of travel over it in a different way.

It really makes it stronger shingles. So you'll, you'll see differences in wind resistance by like 50 miles an hour, um, between a three tab and an architectural. Well, that's so interesting. I thought architectural shingles were just designed for the appearance because a flat three tab roof is there's nothing wrong with it, but it's kind of.

It's kind of boring. It's not like it would attract your attention. But when you put a, a roof of architectural shingles on a home, then the roof actually becomes something to look at because it almost looks like it's different textures because it is. The shingle is different thicknesses at different areas.

Is that correct? That's correct. It gives more depth to the shingle, but it also, think about if a big piece of hail hits that flat three tab. Yep. It's gonna damage that quicker than it would a structured architectural shingle. They're thicker. Yeah, that is so true. And we get hail in our area. We get hail and we have gotten a lot of wind.

Uh, lately for, for sure. Now I'm sure you're aware of this, but there was a manufacturer, I think it was called Atlas and they measure, they manufactured a shingle called the, I think it was called the Atlas chalet shingle. I haven't talked about it in quite some time, but it was actually designed to look like an architectural roof, but it was just a flat three tab.

Do you come across those? Now, if you have them, they were not a subject in my understanding of a class action lawsuit, but it was determined that the manufacturing process was defective. The issue is when an insurance company comes out and sees Atlas Chalet shingles, there's really no way to fix them because you can't get replacement shingles.

But talk to the listeners about what an Atlas Chalet shingle is and how maybe they could tell if they have Atlas Chalet on their home. Yeah, an atlas chalet is the, it's just a, it's a different looking three tab. Um, um, they manufactured it for the, uh, aesthetic look and it, it just did not perform well.

So if you, you do have an atlas chalet. Um, you can probably find that out through your builder. Yeah. I don't think they're, they're definitely not putting them on homes anymore. But if your house was built 15 years ago, there's a chance you could have one on there. Yep. Um, you know, to determine it, really, you can get a free inspection, have someone come out and take a look.

That's right. So, speaking of free inspections, if somebody wanted to have a Frasier Roofing, Roofing, Frasier Roofing, easy for me to say, Frasier Roofing come out and take a look at their roof, how would they reach you? So you would just call me at 864 608

0877, or 404 341 7663, and one of my special, uh, specialty inspectors will be out there to take a look. Perfect. I understand, and we've only got about a minute and a half left in the segment, I know time flies. That they are manufacturing roof shingles now to fight algae. Um, and I'm not sure that it's always algae, but sometimes roofs get these stains on them.

They're kind of dark stains and it makes the roof look ugly. And I assume that this is what we're talking about. They're manufacturing roof shingles that will prevent that. Talk to us real quickly. We've got about a minute and 15 seconds left. Yeah, so we use a product, um, called Landmark Pro. And it has...

It's a awesome, it's built by CertainTeed, um, they're manufactured in Peachtree City and they have a, uh, copper granule that they put into the actual shingle that will stop the, uh, streaks that you see normally on the north side where algae will grow or under trees wherever you're holding some moisture.

That's where I, that's where I see them is when the roof doesn't dry very quickly because of trees or whatever. Yep, so CertainTeed makes a great product. That is, uh, I believe it's a 10 year guarantee. Um, no streaking. Um, but Atlas, what you were talking about earlier, we're thinking about using them as well.

And they have a Scotchgard, which is, I believe, a 25 plus year streak. A free guarantee. It's awesome. That is amazing. Hey, it's always fun to have you. Will you come back and see us sometime soon? Absolutely. I will. I would love to come back. Awesome. We're going to take a quick break. When we come back, we're talking homestead exemptions and the 2023 Georgia property tax relief grant.

Believe it or not, every homeowner in the state of Georgia is getting some money from the state of Georgia in 2023. Stick with us and I'll explain that in more. We'll be
